Congrats!  Your event is over, the guests are gone, and the dust has settled.  As your own personal party favor, you now have the privilege of sorting through the attendee and event data.  Hopefully, you had enough foresight to align your registration platform and data collection with your overarching goal to help determine that elusive event ROI. Here are some things to consider:

Email deliverability

If you’re using a registration platform that also sends your invitations and communicates with guests, you can track the email deliverability and open rate down to a specific domain.  Why is this important?  This will better your understanding of where and how you can most effectively communicate with your audience, helping you deliver future messages in the right way.

On to the next one

One of the greatest benefits of examining event data is that it helps you better prepare for your upcoming events. Analyze your past report to see the number of guests that were added at the door, number of guests that declined but still showed up, what the busiest time frame was, etc.

Guest profiles

Build a 360 view of your individual event attendee by using the data acquired pre, during, and post event.  Registration is the foundation for collecting basic attendee info.  During the event, the way a guest interacts with your event is indicative of an individual’s interests and preferences.

What worked… and what didn’t

The ability to innovate and take risks is the best part of being an event professional.  However, it is important to acknowledge what was a success, and what was a bust. Evaluating strengths and weaknesses helps you fine tune your events into amazing affairs.

The bottom line

Events are thrown for a reason.  Whether you’re trying to raise funds for a campaign or generally foster goodwill towards your brand, your event has a purpose.

These are just a few of things to consider once the event is done.

Happy planning!