Every event professional should have their own list of personal items, gadgets and accessories that help them achieve their event goals. What’s on your list of must-have essentials? Here are some of ours:

Filing System

Having your own style of filing and tracking documents both on and offline will keep you on track and save time during busy events.

Up-to-Date Calendar

Maintaining a digital calendar is one popular method as it allows you to view your obligations at just the click of a button, although some managers still prefer a handwritten calendar or to-do list. Find what works best for you personally!

Emergency Kit

If you are a wedding planner, keeping things like bobby pins, safety pins, mints, tissues, and stain remover would all be great items for your kit. If you plan more corporate events, items like pens, notebooks and back-up batteries might be more relevant.

Extra Cell Phone Charger
An extra cell charger is especially for event planners who are travelling from venue to venue, as it’s common for chargers to be left behind by mistake. Another item to keep handy is a car charger, as these are vital for planners on the move.

Well-Trained Staff and Volunteers

Reliable people you can count on is a must-have for any event. Take the time to train your team and educate them on your event, your client or your organization.

Food and Beverage

Always have your own supply of snacks and lots of water on hand as there is often minimal downtime at the time of an event. Invest in a reusable water bottle and snacks you can fit in your pocket!

Stress Reliever

For some people, going on a run, having a glass of wine after work, spending time with friends or listening to music is key to their sanity! Finding your stress reliever and making it a special part of your routine will go a long way in keeping you happy as an event planner.

A Positive Attitude

Having a great outlook on your events, career and work life will pay huge dividends towards your event outcomes.

Happy planning!