Canada turns 148 years old on July 1st, which, unfortunately falls on a Wednesday this year. That won’t stop millions of Canadians from celebrating this great nation’s birthday! Whether you’re hosting an event on the preceding or following weekend, or booking off the day to celebrate Canada in style, we’ve got the tips to ensure your Canada Day party is the best one yet!

Canada-Inspired Food and Drink

Nothing says ‘Canada’ like maple syrup, poutine, beavertails, Canadian bacon, or a variety of Canadian beers. Having food inspired by some of these Canadian favourites is a great way to honor Canada on its birthday and ensure all of your guests will be happy with the food menu! After all, being a Canadian who isn’t a fan of any of the above (vegans and vegetarians, beware) is blasphemy!

Trivia Games

A less common fact about Canadians is that despite our being polite, we are ruthlessly competitive. Get guests pumped up and keep them entertained with some organized Canadian trivia! Let’s see how much we know about our home and native land! Having prizes is a great way to fuel the passion of your party guests!


It’s important to first ensure you’re in an appropriate area to take part in this next list item. Fireworks are a great way to send out an obnoxiously loud ‘Happy Birthday’ but could also be dangerous if you aren’t in the country or don’t have a lot of acreage to work with. Not to mention a noise complaint from a nearby neighbour in a residential area could put an end to your festivities sooner than anticipated.

Canadian Bands

Hire a DJ to only play music by Canadian artists, create a Canadian-only playlist, or hire a Canadian band for your event to show your passion for all things Canada. What better way to support Canadian artists than commit to a ‘CANADIAN MUSIC ONLY’ evening? You might even discover some artists you’ve never heard of!

Red and White Dress Code

Lastly, creating a red and/or white dress code for party goers is a great way to automatically get attendees in the party spirit. Turn those violating the dress code away at the door! This is Canada’s birthday, after all, and the dress code is mandatory! To fuel the creativity of your guests, have an extra prize for the person who comes dressed the best or most creatively!

These few tips are all you need to ensure your Canada Day party is the best around this year! If you’re looking for tents or canopies to ensure your event happens rain or shine, or need to accommodate all of your guests by renting an industrial sized barbeque, give us a call or request a free quote. We’ll take care of the setup and takedown!
