So you’re hosting an event and are feeling slightly overwhelmed. You don’t know where to begin, who to call, or if you’re covering all of your bases. The fact is, event planning can be really overwhelming even for the most seasoned event planner, let alone someone who has no background in event planning! There’s no need to panic though, we’re here to help! Whether you’re hosting a block party, summer BBQ, a Canada Day event or backyard wedding, these tips will help take the stress off so you can enjoy the process.

Audio Visual Equipment: You might not have access to audio visual equipment at home, which is where event rental companies come in! You can rent a variety of different equipment to ensure your event is a success, from lighting to speakers!

House functions: We’re assuming that if it’s your house, you’ll already have this mastered. But in the event that you don’t, knowing how a kitchen works, whether you’re feeding guests a buffet, appetizers, or a plated, multi-course dinner, where the bathrooms are, and the number of staff on hand are all important things to consider when planning your event.

Build your relationships! Ask the Food and Beverage Manager, the A/V tech and any other staff to walk you through their set-up outside of the event. Make them feel like part of your team and show your appreciation for their hard work.

Supply Kit: Creating a simple supply kit is a great way to prepare for just about anything. Fill your supply kit with extra pens, hand sanitizer, paper clips, tape, safety pins, bobby pins, and anything else you can think of depending on what kind of event you’re hosting.

Create a Day-Of checklist: The last thing you want is to forget something on the day of your event. Creating a checklist in advance will give you the opportunity to ensure you have everything you need on the list and be fully prepared on the day of.

Budget: One of the first things to do is lay out a budget for your event. If you’re hosting a summer BBQ, are you hiring someone to make food, or going out and purchasing the food and making it yourself? Do you have a big enough barbecue or do you need to rent one to accommodate the amount of food you’ll be making for guests? If you’re having a backyard wedding, lay out your must-haves and get quotes from a variety of companies before deciding. Be willing to negotiate, and recognize the difference between ‘wants’ and ‘needs’, it can save you a lot of expenses in the long run.

Rain or Shine: If you’re hosting an event in your backyard, are you prepared to accommodate guests if it starts to rain? Summer BBQs or get-togethers can easily be rescheduled. Weddings on the other hand? Not so much. Investing in a canopy or tent to ensure your event goes on no matter the weather is a great way to take the headache away from the unpredictability of the elements. It’s better to be over prepared than underprepared! Canopies can also provide shade for guests if you end up hosting your event on a hot, sunny day.

These are our tips and tricks for the amateur event planner! Is there anything we missed? Let us know by commenting below!
